Passed CWDP today
Last Post: May 28, 2018:
I'd like to say that the official 302 study guide and e-learning is not enough. You may pass but you won't get high score. You need solid knowledge about CWNA and hands-on experience.
I am not sure if the old sybex book will help to improve the score or not.
Congrats! What is your next exam to take?
What other resources did you use when studying?
I second the applause !
Without giving away the specific exam questions, in what areas would you say need more study than what is provided for in the official materials ?
Overall, did you find any outside sources that you would recommend ?
I still have CWAP and CWSP to go, I may go CWAP first because that is part of my daily job. Hope I can pass them by end of June.
I did not use any other resources. I am a hands-on WiFi driver developerand architect (Both AP and client) but design is not my expertise. I also have a lot of networking knowledge and experience, I believe that helped me to pass the test. Remember to have solid CWNA knowledge.
I am a little rush for CWDP, only 3 weeks after I passed CWNA. If I have another two weeks to review SyBex book. I should get 90+% score.
Last night, I did a brief check of the old SyBex book. most of the question I don't know the answer during the test is in that book so my suggestion is at least read that book once (I did not do that).
Almost every area I have question that I am not sure of the answer. There are a lot of detailed information and calculation you need to know during the test. I only get 83% for CWDP but for CWNA, I got 95%. If you can pass the Practice Test pool A and B by 90% the first time when you did it, you are ready to go and you will pass it with a good score. The real test is more like the combination of both Pool A (SyBex book) and B (Official 302 study guide).
Thanks for the information, and your evaluation.
That is good to know, because in the past the practice test often had VERY little resemblance to the real test. Some times that was enough to "help" you fail them.
It was a very rude feeling at that point in the process. I'm glad it seems to be improving.
It's too bad there is no reduced price for a second attempt - I understand why this is so, but it does not make things easier if you are paying for the exams on your own.
To be honest, during the test I was thinking that I was gona to fail this test.I submit my result at almost the last min to try to get more correct answers. For CWNA, I submit the result after only 50 min.
CWNA Study guide, review question and practice test is good to evaluate your skill to pass the test but CWDP did have some mismatch there. I think I am lucky to pass it without read the SyBex book. The CWDP official study guide don't have any review question we can practice. the only thing we have is the practice test pool B (pool A is for SyBex book, not for 302 official study guide).
I still have CWSP and CWAP to go. Hope they are more like CWNA instead of CWDP
I agree in that the full e-learning course is not enough. I just took and failed CWDP after studying the official guide (read it 2x), e-learning course and practice questions. I felt and feel fully prepared to take an exam that covers the material in the CWNP elearning course. Going through the exam I felt the questions were from a different course material. I got a 63%. I don't feel I need to study anymore. I'll give it another shot as soon as the system allows me to schedule the test.
I just passed all the certificates this Tuesday, CWDP is the only one that official study guide/e-learning material is not enough. CWNA, CWAP and CWSP if you study them carefully and you have worked on that area a little bit, it is not hard to get 90+% score. Hope the new CWDP coming at the end of this year will improve that.
I agree. I have passed CWNA and CWSP with the self study kits and practice tests from CWNP. By having done the same for the CWDP I felt pretty confident on passing the test, but had a reality check while on the hot chair. The actual CWDP exam questions I saw do not correlate (for the most part) to the current study guide, e-learning and practice tests.