
  • Hi guys, I literally just came out of the testing centre having taken the CWDP exam. Without violating the NDA, I wanted to share my thoughts on this certification.

    It took me 6 months to read the book front to back, in between this I moved house and had a 3rd child so there was no 'solid study' time :-/ What I enjoyed most about the book is that is opened my mind to different techniques/solutions. I work 100% on Cisco equipment so it was liberating to learn other approaches such as the Distributed architectures (provided by the likes of Aerohive) and SCA type technologies. This knowledge can only broaden your perspective. I few times after reading through a section I would stare in amazement at how this technology actually works, given how much is going on under the hood! The only small gripe I had was that we are consistently told in the book to use the client devices that will actually be used in the deployment. The answer I always get to this question from customers is 'we don't know' - this is only made worse by the BYOD explosion/guest users who may use anything.

    The exam was tough and my time management was poor which is unlike me normally. What is did like is that they ask some questions where the answers are not in the book, you either came across it through experience or you took the time to learn it outside of the press book. Don't rush reading the book, take your time and reference the standards for further information.

    I'm pleased to say that I PASSED the exam and I'm itching to get home to pick up the CWAP book :-)

    Great job CWNP, you have a great thing going on here..... :-)



  • Giving my CWDP in a week. Do you guys have any input to other study material aside from the study guide? Any whitepapers or other materials you found useful? Any tips/input would be greatly appreciated. I have been in the wireless space in support and sales roles for the last 5 years but not sure if that is good enough :).


  • I wrote the CWDP exam myself a few weeks ago, and I agree, it was tough.  Life was logistically all bonkers for myself as well and I ended up writing the exam 'cold'.  I had nowhere near the preparatory study time I would have liked... but still got it.  I suppose that's probably a good sign?

    I'm also itching to dig into the CWAP exam.  Like yourself, historically a 100% Cisco shop where I'm from, but to be honest, that's always irked me. I *love* anything standards based.  I think the CWAP track is the most difficult of the lot (at least for myself) and I'm looking forward to the challenge.



  • Congratulations.

    Good luck to both of you on the CWAP.

    I found learning the material for it tougher than that for the CWDP.

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