Forum topic counter test
Last Post: August 25, 2011:
The purpose of this test is to wee what happens to the "Wi-Fi Industry .... " forum counters when I add this topic.
Currently the number of topics says -328, yes that's a negative number, while the number of posts says 385.
Lets see what adding this one does :-)
Well. At least both numbers became more positive.
Sorry Kevin, but I couldn't resist testing this . I hope it helps your crew correct the counter.
Counter doesn't work at the moment, and to be honest, we're not going to fix it yet. There are a few other, more pressing items.
Glad it's providing entertainment though. :-)
Sounds good Kevin.
Having worked several years on databases, I was just worried that some of your files might be disappearing. i.e. as in a "Langoliers" kind of disappear.
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