
  • :?

    so, i undertand 25mhz gap for no overlap between ch 1, ch6, ch11 using DSSS,FHSS 2.4ghz 802.11 range for 'G' radio.
    each individual channel is 5mhz gap also.

    so why is the 802.11g 22mhz wide ? i though the bandwidth was the 25mhz spread between non overlapping channels ?

    simulary there is a 20mhz wide gap between 802.11a with 4 channels, does that have a different width like 802.11g?

    also in the cwna book iam trying hard to make sense of 22mhz woth center width of each channel is spaced 5 mhz from closest channel.. how can the 'center' of each channel be 5 each side ? :?

    please can someone clear this up as i must be missing one small piece :)

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