

    Anyone ever heard of this app before? Any experience with it?



  • By (Deleted User)

    No, however, when I've worked with companies like Avaya to conduct VoIP Surveys to verify a network is qualified for Voice a standard Sniffer seems to work wonders.

    I learned a few tricks from in a CCIE Lab Hands-on Training course to simulate network latency on routers and switches and how to mitigate it using QoS and Queueing techniques and then further how to verify my config worked.

    I got certified in WLAN by Network General as well and I found the Sniffer University materials to be quite helpful in dealing with WLAN issues and identifying latency.

    When combined with the Application Perfomance Analyis and Troubleshooting and TCP/IP Analyis and Troubleshooting courses, this makes VoIP simply another application that can be monitored, tested, and then create appropriate changes to network configurations to accomodate these policies.

    Kinda kewl.


    Hope this helps.

    Lots of freebie tools can do the same things - Wireshark and TCPDump...

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