
  • Hi All

    I am doing a project on Wireless Security for my MSc Communication Engineering program. I have to write a dissertation for this purpose and I need your help in this matter. I will give you a brief description on what my project is,

    The Internet is literally in the air now, with traffic transorted via wireless links from a variety of enabled devices.

    How does this affect users of associated devices, the necessary protection methods, and education required for making safe use of these devices?

    What can be done in the future to integrate all devices via broadband routers (ie PDA's, mobile phones, VOIP, desktops, laptops, etc....).

    As the technology gets smarter, what are the plans and recommendations to protect these types of devices from hackers and malware?

    What is the likely direction for protocols and standards? Will they appear with security in mind?

    What are the strategies for securing wireless networks, including consumer strategies?

    I really need your help urgently as I have to submit my thesis on 8th of January, so please help me and give me suggestions on how to do my project.

  • The real problem with Wi-Fi security is a lack of education. The current security standards, 802.11i (WPA / WPA2) are quite robust.

    Is your paper suppoed to break new ground or is it just going to be a synopsis of the current technology?

  • There is a lot being done in the area of wireless security. The use of wireless devices is growing rapidly and security must keep pace. If you have specific areas of focus, send me an email. I have several white papers on wireless security I can send you but I need to know the topics you require.

    Shoot me an email or PM. I will be glad to assist you.

  • Hi
    I am also in the process of doing my MSc project: "Wireless Network Security for SMEs".

    I can either look at what is methods/technologies are available/appropriate and write a report on my findings


    I can do a critical review on the literature.

    Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you in anticipation.

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