
  • Any opinions on this class? I am taking it online this week.

  • I'm the GK wireless course director so I won't give my biased opinion of the actual class. I will say that all we did was take the CWSP lecture material and add text to the powerpoint slides. The actual material in the slides is identical to what you get from a CWSP course guide.

    Let me know how the class runs. I am teaching Integrating Wireless Networks (CWNA) online this week.

  • Ben,

    How does one become an online tutor and what qualifications are required?

    Shaun Archer B.Sc. MCSA, MCSE, MCIWD, CIW CI, i-Net+, Sec+, CCNA, CWNA

  • GK requires all of their wireless instructors to be CWNA, CWSP and CWAP certified as CWNTs. They also look for real world experience if possible.

    The GK wireless courses are being modified a bit. They used to have one course each for CWNA, CWSP and CWAP. Starting in May (or is it June?) it will be one week of classes that cover Wireless#/CWNA objectives and a second week of classes that cover CWAP/CWSP/QoS objectives. The reason I bring this up is that because of the differences in curriculum, one additional instructor requirement is that they audit each GK wireless class.

    Assuming that you already passed CWNA at the CWNT level, you are off to a good start. You can always send me a private message if you are looking to continue on and get CWSP and CWAP as well.

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