
  • Passed CWNA PW0-104 today at 75%. Not the best score but a pass is a pass on this one.

    Lets see...the exam itself, to me, seemed pretty fair and diverse. The details are what will nail you. I am talking every word of every sentence so slowly read it and think about it before hitting an answer. Subject matter was all over the place and it did not appear to be heavy in one area despite what I have read in the past. In summary though, this is without a doubt the hardest exam I have ever taken, both college and certification exams. Study, know your um....stuff, and pay attention to detail.

    My study methods and material were:
    Official Study Guide, Online practice exams, read all the whitepapers, flash cards, and bonus exams on the CD that came with the book, tons of wiki and googling, the forums here and elswhere, trapeze videos, and a instructor led course that covered both CWNA and CWSP. Actually read all answers to the chapter end questions and practice tests after attempting them to understand how the answer applied to the questions given, even if I got the question right. This helped immensely point out my weaker areas during my final review phase.

    Anyway, on to CWSP asap. NO grass growing under these study feet.

  • Big congratulations Keith, I think you kept it quiet,

    When do you think you will be ready for the CWSP and how long did the CWNA take you, just tying to get an idea!

  • By (Deleted User)

    Congratulations Keith!

    A pass is a pass. No doubt. I understand this is a harder exam to score well on.

    Good luck on the next one!


  • Congratulations Keith!

    Way to go! Hope I can say the same in a couple of months.

  • Thanks guys. I will certainly sleep a little better tonight. Haha.

    Pete, I attended an instructor led class that was on Saturdays for like 3 months. It covered CWNA and CWSP. If I had to estimate my total study time, I would say 4 months or so mainly because the class lasted a while since it was only on Saturday and holidays, etc. There were periods due to my busy schedule I could not really hit it like I wanted to so that didn't help.

    I should be ready for the CWSP in another month and half roughly. Like I said the class covered it in depth and I have already read the official study guide as well so I just need to immerse myself in the CWSP side of things now.

    Just remember everyone has their own study methods. So it may only take you a month or so, but really, don't rush yourself. Really learn the material, understand it, and picture yourself having to verbally explain each concept on the exam objectives and you should be fine.

  • Congrats. My advice is to take the CWSP as soon as you can.

  • By (Deleted User)

    Well done Keith, and thanks for sharing your prep details. Best of luck on CWSP!

  • Congrats Keith! I must admit to taking my time studying, in between work I wasn't reading a lot so it took me longer than usual. I have been much more focused about getting the CWSP though, part of the reason I decided to take an online class next month. Welcome to the ranks of CWNA!

  • congratulations :)

  • Keith, Seriously I would take the CWSP as soon as you can. I waited two years between my CWNA and CWSP and i felt like i had to relearn everything. Take it while it is fresh in your mind.

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