wireless equipment grounding question
1 posts by 1 authors in: Forums > CWNA - Enterprise Wi-Fi Admin
Last Post: September 29, 2006:
Last Post: September 29, 2006:
Hi paulzinda , I see your point. :) Hooah!
"250.8 Connection of Grounding and Bonding Equipment.
Grounding conductors and bonding jumpers shall be connected by
exothermic welding, listed pressure connectors, listed clamps, or other
listed means. Connection devices or fittings that depend solely on
solder shall not be used. Sheet metal screws shall not be used to
connect grounding conductors to enclosures."
This section is often misinterpreted as forbidding the use of solder on
grounding and bonding connections. What it actually is intended to
forbid is the tack soldering of such conductors to surfaces without the
use of a solder terminal.
"250.70 Methods of Grounding and Bonding Conductor Connection to Electrodes.
The grounding or bonding conductor shall be connected to the grounding
electrode by exothermic welding, listed lugs, listed pressure
connectors, listed clamps, or other listed means. Connections depending
on solder shall not be used."
This section is meant to forbid the use of solder for terminating the
Grounding Electrode Conductor to a Grounding Electrode.
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