Distributed Testing using Jmeter; Retrieving logs
1 posts by 1 authors in: Forums > CWSP - Enterprise Wi-Fi Security
Last Post: January 27, 2023:
Last Post: January 27, 2023:
I'm doing distributed testing using JMeter and I have a remote server in AWS. Using Jmeter 2.12, I have my setup similar to the instructions: Setting up JMeter for Distributed testing in AWS with connectivity issues
However, I've been unable to record the JTL files for the tests being run.
When I use
sh jmeter.sh -n -t /jmeter/apache-jmeter-2.12/tests/ABC.jmx -l results.jtl -r
the test will execute but the results.jtl file is not being created when connecting with my remote server
If I remove the -r flag (thus not doing distributed testing), the log file will generate;
How do I generate the .JTL file after testing using the remote server?
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