security breach
1 posts by 1 authors in: Forums > Wi-Fi Alliance Certifications & the 802.11 Standard
Last Post: March 26, 2007:
Last Post: March 26, 2007:
I came across a problem, while testing our wl-driver (developed by our dev. team).
I am associating with AP(Linksys-WRT54G) ,with wep-40 ,shared authentication and index1.When I change the key for index1 in the AP and save the settings, I expect the my driver must disassociate. But i am still associated with AP, until I initiate Disassociation or an association again.
My question is,
As the keys are changed on the AP side.If i am still associated with AP its a secruity breach.Is this the problem with AP (as it's not sending De-auth) or driver should incorporate some measures to check such issues..if so,what and how.
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