
  • By (Deleted User)

    The CWSP practice test questions are being updated as I type; however, the questions that are out there now are a valuable resource for preparing for the CWSP PW0-204 exam. Here's why: when we update an exam like we did with CWSP recently, we don't toss out the baby with the bathwater, so to speak. We first adjust the [url=][b]exam objectives[/b][/url], then we show our audience [url=][b]what changed from PW0-200 exam objectives to PW0-204 exam objectives[/b][/url]. The topics that didn't change are still covered by the current practice test questions.

    Once we've updated all the out of date and errata questions, we'll update the practice test pools and yours will be updated automatically.

    I hope this helps.

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