There's a Bad(ge) Virus Going Around
By CWNP On 05/08/2009 - 9 Comments
Holy smokes batman. Vocera's gear is slick. Complicated on the back-end...but slick. Of course, like any good IT system, the complexity is hidden from the end-user. There's only one button, and the rest is just voice recognition bliss. We already had a phone system that works fine, but who wants to use that old thing when you have a Star Trek communicator? Within a week, everyone in the office suddenly wanted a badge. It's like a virus that everyone wants to catch. We learned very quickly that it's one serious electronic leash though.
You need a BEEFY server - seriously - to run their application. It's easy to install, straight-forward to configure, and then you just have to learn how to interface with the system as an end-user. It's not quite like using a telephone, but it's not difficult. The system design is so well thought out that it even works well over our patheticly slow VPN link - something I thought impossible at the onset of testing.
Steve Newson, Vocera's SE Manager, came out HIMSELF to do the installation/training. This guy ROCKS! It's no wonder he's the SE Manager. :-) He had the system up and running, teaching us each step of the way, literally in minutes. Then he volunteered our local SE - Mike Hoberg, a long-time friend of mine - to give us whatever we need in the way of help & product training. How could we ask for more than that? That's SUPPORT right there. Big hug from CWNP!
I work in the highly-esteemed, but seldom seen BatCave, along with my two P-I-Cs Marcus and David. It's about 1,000 square feet of space in my basement surrounded by block walls and devoid of windows. Every so often, I have to go top-side for food and what-not. When I first wore my Vocera badge top-side, my wife asked what it was. I gave a quick demo to everyone in the kitchen, and then even my 10 year old twins wanted one. We only have 4 badges with our kit, and there are 10 people in the company. This system is ony for testing purposes, not for production purposes, but I have to warn you - it causes badge envy in a big way. Badge envy is not for the faint of heart...
Everyone should give this product a good look before dismissing it as a new fad. It's certainly not a fad. In fact, I have to believe at this point, that it's going to be (seriously) the communication method of the future. It's just so dang fun to talk on the phone now. :-) Kudos.
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