WLAN News Desk - March 30, 2018
JTA process and development of objectives, exams and learning materials.
JTA process and development of objectives, exams and learning materials.
WBA Wi-Fi implementation guidelines, Can't do great Wi-Fi? Give great service.
802.11mc? it's really 802.11 TGmc and is equal to 802.11-2016 today.
WLAN Market, Next Week's Webinar, and Wi-Fi Trek registration site announcement.
Wi-Fi Trek dates and locations, ghost frames (CCI), and 802.11ax update.
Thanks to all the WLPC folks, Meraki announces the new MV12 802.11ac video camera, WPA2 updated to test for KRACk and WPA3 is coming.
Whole-home Wi-Fi, 802.11ax is already on the agenda, the Wi-Fi connected grill.
In the news this week: Trackside Wi-Fi and RF Filtering.
In the news this week: 5G and Wi-Fi, Bluetooth is 20 Years Old.
This week, 802.11ax hardware announced and better in-home Wi-Fi.