More Wi-Fi Gadgets Needed
By CWNP On 12/30/2008 - 9 Comments Something I've noticed lately is a big lack of Wi-Fi gadgetry. Most Wi-Fi gadget makers do pretty well. Some Wi-Fi gadgets have turned into very successful solutions. Take MetaGeek's Wi-Spy and ZyXEL's AG-225H (which now has clones like Linksys's WUSBF54G) as examples - both have been very successful. A security researcher over at AirDefense built a little Linux-based Wi-Fi hacking box about 18 months ago that's one of the coolest things I've seen so far. Why isn't anyone building more of these things? Has everyone run out of ideas? I doubt it.
I've come up with a couple of different items that I think would be way cool. I don't have the time to build such gadgets, but I'd sure buy one if they existed. I'm writing about them here just to give you an idea of the types of gadgets I'm talking about.
Second, a PoE-powered (802.3af), Linux-based, webUI-configured DHCP server. This box would be very small, and be capable of a little more than basic DHCP, but nothing overly fancy. Perhaps up to 5 scopes, and a few common DHCP options. The webUI interface should be AWESOMELY easy to configure. There are so many DHCP software packages out there that either don't work very well or have a terrible UI. The best current replacement for a box like this is a small Cisco router. Configuring DHCP services in IOS is trivial, and it's highly reliable. However, buying an expensive router in order to use one small feature is ridiculous. I'd rather buy a $50-75 hardware appliance that can be plugged into a PoE port on any L2 segment. This box would be GREAT for lab testing, classroom training, or testing of many kinds.
I'd love to hear your feedback on these ideas as well as your ideas for new Wi-Fi gadgetry.
Blog Disclaimer: The opinions expressed within these blog posts are solely the author’s and do not reflect the opinions and beliefs of the Certitrek, CWNP or its affiliates.
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