
  • By (Deleted User)

    Given the experience level of the people involved, the content in question, and the desire to maintain a high caliber high stakes certification, I'd say the current status quo is meeting the needs of the community.

  • What are you trying to say ?

  • Have any plans been drawn up for the recertifictation of the certs.

    I know at present the CWNA is recertified by taking CWSP.

    However if we assume the CWSP, CWAP and CWDP are a similar level will taking any one of those recertify the others, I know its alittle early but I wouldnt want to have to retake all my CWNP exams every two years or so?

    If the CWNE is a lifetime dert depending upon continued education will that maintain all the other certs aswell?

  • By (Deleted User)

    I was kind of wondering when the CWAP and CWDP are expect to be available.

  • By (Deleted User)

    The CWAP exam will be available this fall, before the Sybex study guide is available. The CWDP exam will be available the first of 2011, about the same time as both CWAP and CWDP Sybex study guides will be available.

    Recertification: CWAP and CWDP will, for recertification purposes, behave just like CWSP, meaning that you have to re-certify the CWAP and/or CWDP every 3 years.

    After October 1 2010, CWNE will no longer be a lifetime certification. CWNEs will have to recertify every 3 years by retaking any one of the exams required to earn CWNE. So, for example, if you blaze through CWNA, CWSP, CWAP, and CWDP by Q1 of 2011 (assuming your application is superb), you'd be CWNE. Then by end of Q1 2014, you'd need to pass [b][i]one[/i][/b] of these exams again.

    I hope this helps.

  • By (Deleted User)

    Perfect explanation.

    Thanks kevin

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