The Reality of 5G and CWSA

The Reality of 5G and CWSA

By Tom Carpenter On 06/25/2019

Tom Carpenter gives a brief on how the new Certified Wireless Solutions Administrator (CWSA) track goes beyond Wi-Fi.

To find out more about the new CWSA certification, click here. And don't forget to register for Wi-Fi Trek 2019, where you can take the first CWSA classes this September!

Tagged with: Wireless, CWSA, Wi-Fi Trek 2019

Blog Disclaimer: The opinions expressed within these blog posts are solely the author’s and do not reflect the opinions and beliefs of the Certitrek, CWNP or its affiliates.

Success Stories

I literally just came out of the testing centre having taken the CWDP exam. The certification process opened my mind to different techniques and solutions. This knowledge can only broaden your perspective. Great job, CWNP, you have a great thing going on here.

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Working through the CWNP coursework and certifications helped not only to deepen my technical knowledge and understanding, but also it boosted my confidence. The hard work it took to earn my CWNE has been rewarding in so many ways.

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I want to commend you and all at CWNP for having a great organization. You really 'raise the bar' on knowing Wi-Fi well. I have learned a ton of information that is helping my job experience and personal career goals, because of my CWAP/CWDP/CWSP studies. Kudos to all at CWNP.

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