Last Post: September 8, 2004:
Anyone have any links regarding 802.11tv?
A couple of hours of Googling, and fruitless searches on the FCC site, has resulting in nothing.
My understanding is that the FCC is planning to release spectrum in the UHF band for ISM use.
Any help?
Thanks -
Try typing wireless TV UHF on Google. More is up there than these links.
compughter -
Not sure if I am misunderstanding, or if there are two things going on here. My read from the frustratingly brief artcile below is that the FCC is assigning some of the UHF spectrum for ISM use.
Tune in to IEEE 802.11tv
By: Andy Dornan
Giant transmission towers aren't the only reason TV signals can travel hundreds of miles while Wi-Fi struggles to get across a room. Another is frequency: UHF transmissions are just better at passing through air, trees, and buildings. That's why a bipartisan FCC decision to let Wi-Fi use spare TV channels should help wireless networking. But it's okay to tune out for now: UHF Wi-Fi will require yet another IEEE 802.11 standard, not expected until 2007.
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