
  • Thanks a lot Vinay.In fact I'm looking for the source code of the TKIP countermeasures.

    Do you have any idea where I can get it.

    Best Regard

  • By (Deleted User)

    Hii Sonia ,

    IEEE standard specifies the requirements only which can be implemented by any vendor , so each vendor implements in its own way.

    WI-FI alliance cheks for the compatibility through various certifications. Since the code is not Open source you will not get the same.

  • Hi Vinay
    thanks a lot. Anyway,I'll manage with what I have.By the way do you know how many AND, OR,shift gates are there in

    4)division operations.
    My aim is to try to reduce the complexity of the key mixing in TKIP this is why I'm asking you these questions.
    Thanks in advance.

    Best regard

  • By (Deleted User)

    Hii Sonia ,

    Sorry ,I dont have that much detailed knowldge on this .

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