Mobile IP
Last Post: November 25, 2005:
Mobile Nodes (MN) and Foreign Agents (FA) typically communicate at Layer 2 using a special piece of software developed by the company writing the MobileIP solution. MobileIP solutions are proprietary, though they are supposed to conform to RFC 2002, et al.
When a MN roams to a network other than its home network (foreign network), it receives an address from the foreign network. IF there is an FA there, the MN will register with the MN who will then contact the HA to let it know that the HA can contact the MN through the FA's address (Care-Of address).
By the way, if you wish to avoid MobileIP altogether, wait until Jan 2nd or later to take the exam - it's been removed from the exam objectives. 2 years ago, MobileIP and Proxy MobileIP were 'big deals' in this industry, but they have quickly withered away into oblivion.
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