
  • I began studying for the CWSP exam by first taking the CWSP class from Security University. There was a slide on one of the course materials about RC5 encryption which reads this way...

    -Used in applications as Citrix's SecureICA
    -Fast Block Cipher
    -Very efficient & fast
    -Security level similar to DES
    -Up to 256 bits

    I am confused as to what the last bullet point refers to. The CWSP book (pg 219) says that the key length is up to 2040 bits.

    Unfortunately, I don't have any contact information for my instructor, and since these are all official Planet3 CWSP materials I figured I would ask you. Hope you can help clarify.

  • I have not seen the courseware but RC5 has a block size up to 128 bits (not 256) and a key size up to 2040 bits. Both these numbers appear on the page you reference as well as at this site:

    Perhaps the courseware should have read "Up to 128 bit blocks"

    I hope this helps. Thanks. /criss

  • By (Deleted User)

    Pehaps the 256 bits is in regards to the secret key that is up to 256 bytes? 256 X 8 = 2048 bits

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