
  • I think I would try to come up with some shortcut to remembering statistics for the first 32 MCS indexes (0-31) .

    - Required 0 thru 7 for clients (non SGI)
    - Required 0 thru 15 for AP's (non SGI)
    - # of streams changes every MCS index of 8
    0 - 7 = 1 streams
    8 - 15 = 2 " "
    16 - 23 = 3 " "
    24 - 31 = 4 " "
    -after 31 they are just combinations
    - Modulation and coding choice repeats (sort of) every 8 MCS index values
    BPSK, QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM, etc.

    I haven't figured a way to remember the Rates or SGI factors for 'n'.

    My memory aid for 802.11g rates is to just remember 6, 9, and then to double the rate for two positions back.
    so 6, 9, 2x6=12, 2x9=18, 2x12=24, 2x18=36, 2x24=48, and then remember 54 is the max. Just memorize 1, 2, 5.5, and 11. I don't bother with the 22, and 33 of PBCC, but if I see them I know where they came from.

    Airmagnet had a great poster entitled "802.11n Fundamentals", but I can't find it anywhere on the Fluke site. Fluke does have a fairly nice a/b/g poster though.

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