
  • OmniPeek v5 launched today. This software is just as expected: great! It supports dual-channel 802.11n with the Buffalo dual-channel 802.11n CardBus card. I haven't had any problems with it thus far. I'm just digging into the decoding engine to see what I find in the way of initial bugs. :-) Wish me luck - I hope I don't find any. The drivers for the Buffalo card are posted on the Wildpackets website.

    AirMagnet launched Laptop Pro v7.5 (with 802.11n support) just the other day, and it is also a fantastic application. According to my sources, they are currently working on supporting the same card, though they already support other chipsets. I helped beta test this product, and it's solid and user-friendly as always.

    These two vendors never disappoint. Nice work guys!


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