-SOLVED- have experience running Reflections over wireless?
Last Post: January 21, 2007:
I'm working on setting up a WDS that will give access to a few outdoor laptops which will be connecting to an HP-UX server via terminal emulation software (Reflections for HP www.wrq.com )
I've had occasional errors in certain areas where the signal is less than desirable, which essentially kills the telnet session, forcing a relog.
I'm using a version that is about five years old, and have not received a reply from WRQ on whether newer versions will compensate for missing/incomplete packets (or other workarounds). Fortunately, it will be possible to relocate some of the hardware, but doing so is kind of a last resort. Ideally I would like to keep everything where it is now, otherwise I might end up having to dig trenches to run power, or even build a heated shed (site is north of Denver).
Using the utility from www.speedguide.net, I turned on TIMESTAMPS, which has (so far) given me a stable telnet session to the server.
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